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Modification hooks for the OpenLDAP system


I was looking into OpenLDAP and couldn't find the following information in the documentation:

Is there any possibility to have hooks in the openLDAP system which allow a customizable action to be performed when records are added/deleted/updated?
An example for this would be to send a message to an external system in case a modification of the directory service has occured, so that this system can act on this (the 'external' system could, of course, belong to the same organization as well). E.g. for improving synchronization with GAE (but I could name some other uses for it too).

I have found a prior post on hooks for authentication (http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-software/200510/msg00549.html) but this is not what I am looking for.

If it is not supported in openLDAP, are there any plug-ins which do support it?

Thanks in advance!