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Re: Group values not returned with "id" command

--On Thursday, September 05, 2013 1:11 PM -0400 Justin Edmands <shockwavecs@gmail.com> wrote:

Certainly new to migrations of LDAP. I migrated our old setup from
OpenLDAP to 389 Directory Server. When using the "id" command on an LDAP
client, it only returns uid,gid, and one group. It for some reason does
not show all of the actual groups that the user is associated with. What
is set to return these values and what setting ensures they are properly
mapped from OpenLDAP to 389DS?

I suggest you migrate back to OpenLDAP where things work. This list is for questions about OpenLDAP, not 389. If the 389 user list is generating no results, that should tell you something too.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Lead Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration