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RE: sssvlv

> > When using the sssvlv overlay how does the client tell the server that the
> sort request can be thrown away, so that sort requests don't hang around until
> sssvlv-max or sssvlv-maxpercon are exceeded?
> There is no official mechanism for this. This is a flaw in the Sorting/VLV
> specification. For Paged Results you simply send a followup request with
> pagesize set to zero, but that doesn't apply for VLV.
> I believe in our current implementation, if you send a new Paged Results
> request on a connection that has VLVs outstanding, one of the VLVs will be
> aborted. Unfortunately, if you have multiple VLVs outstanding, there's no way
> to determine which one gets aborted. (Apparently this was overlooked when
> patching the overlay to allow multiple VLVs on a connection...)

Thanks for the info. 
Is it the case that sort requests are associated with a particular connection?
>From my testing it seems that a sort request will remain active in the server evenif the client disconnects, which doesn't seem right.