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Re: shadow context; no update referral

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 6:42 AM, Venish Khant <venish@deeproot.co.in> wrote:
> I had configured openldap in master/slave for replication. It's work
> perfectly. It's replicated entries but one entry not replicated. I try to
> add that entry using ldapadd command in my slave server. That time I got the
> below error.
> adding new entry "uid=test,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
> ldap_add: Server is unwilling to perform (53)
>       additional info: shadow context; no update referral
> --
> Venish Khant
> www.deeproot.co.in

I'm not an expert on OpenLDAP but nobody has responded so I thought
I'd share what I've learned.

If a server is a syncrepl slave you can't directly make changes (i.e.
it is read only).  I had similar problems with entries not getting
synced.  I'm using multi-master mode so I was able to fix it by doing
it manually.

One thing you could try is running slapd with "-c rid=$RID" where $RID
is the syncrepl rid.  This forces a complete resync so make sure to
not to leave it in your start scripts or you'll be resyncing
everything you restart the server.

Matt Edlefsen
Computing Services
Earlham College