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Serverside change of time limit for an operation...

  Hi again.

Now I'm trying to change the time limit of a search request inside the server. Concretely, inside the search response of an overlay.

The thing is: if the client didn't state a time limit (-l <time>), the time limit in the Operation ( op->oq_search.rs_tlimit ) is set to -1. If I change that number to whatever, the result is "result: 3 Time limit exceeded". It is noticeable that when I set the time limit in the client, I am allowed to change the op->oq_search.rs_tlimit value without getting the same result (everything seems to work ok, although I didn't really test if the change in time limit is actually forced).

Am I being too innocent, or I can force the time limit for an operation within the server somehow in this way?

  Thanks for your attention!