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Re: Munging an OpenLDAP slapd server

Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
--On Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:35 PM -0500 "J.Lance Wilkinson, 814-865-1818" <JLW@psulias.psu.edu> wrote:
We have no LDAP databases which include passwords.  For another software
package which only supported LDAP Authentication, we implemented a
version  of slapd which had bind.c mangled to spawn off a kerberos kinit
check for  the uid=xxx with the selected password.  That software package
only required what is listed in step (0) and then only steps (4) thru (6)

Hoping to use the same technology for this new software package that
presumes all the above steps.  I can easily determine if the uid=xxx is
valid for the application, and can construct a character string
representing a suitable DN easily, too.  The catch is I have no idea
which slapd module I'd need to munge, where I'd need to do it, and what
I'd need to do to build the appropriate structures for slapd to pass back
as a succesful (or failed) search.  Guidance?
I think you could just use saslauthd to forward the password stuff to the KDC, to get whether or not they can bind?

I have read about both approaches on this list before, but I've never seen a comparison of the advantages or disadvantages. From what I recall, Howard Chu refers to saslauthd as worthless even when configuring SASL. What is the essential difference between having slapd, saslauthd, and/or the client itself performing kerberos authentication?

Jon Roberts