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Re: syncrepl'd MOD deleted(?) entry

Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
Our master had a LDIF submitted to it changing the value of one attribute:
Dec 12 09:03:06 master.rutgers.edu slapd[11736] [ID 249368 local4.debug]
conn=647307 op=2 MOD dn="uid=xxx,ou=People,dc=eden,dc=rutgers,dc=edu"

The entry syncrepl'd, apparently:
Dec 12 09:03:31 slave1.rutgers.edu slapd[15453]: [ID 260518 local4.debug]
syncrepl_entry: uid=xxx,ou=People,dc=eden,dc=rutgers,dc=edu Dec 12
09:05:36 slave2.rutgers.edu slapd[3515]: [ID 260518 local4.debug]
syncrepl_entry: uid=xxx,ou=People,dc=eden,dc=rutgers,dc=edu Dec 12
09:05:41 slave3.rutgers.edu slapd[3901]: [ID 260518 local4.debug]
syncrepl_entry: uid=xxx,ou=People,dc=eden,dc=rutgers,dc=edu Dec 12
09:06:13 slave5.rutgers.edu slapd[2581]: [ID 260518 local4.debug]
syncrepl_entry: uid=xxx,ou=People,dc=eden,dc=rutgers,dc=edu

Don't worry, slave4 has a failed HDD. So this is great.
What's not great is now the slaves don't have the entry anymore.

slave3$ slapcat -b "dc=eden,dc=rutgers,dc=edu" | grep \
"uid=xxx,ou=People,dc=eden,dc=rutgers,dc=edu" | wc -l

ldapsearch(1) against slave{1,2,5} confirms (less conclusively) that they
don't see this entry either. There's lots of stuff in the ITS that this
*could* be, but I can't tell with any certainty. Thoughts?

Turn up debug on the slaves and watch what happens during the update...

Well, syncrepl always propagates by doing a DEL then an ADD.

In 2.3, it doesn't always. The 2.3 consumer will try to just do a Modify when the entry already exists in the slave.

If the entry is still on the master, doing another MOD *should* update it on the slave. I personally found 2.3.12 too unstable to put out into production (which is why I waited for 2.3.13). Of course, now I have 5 patches to 2.3.13, a couple of which (like the fix to #4250) I consider critical. ;) Which reminds me I need to get some of the newer patches up on my site...

At this stage, CVS HEAD and 2.3 are close enough that anyone can just pull the necessary patches out of HEAD.

 -- Howard Chu
 Chief Architect, Symas Corp.  http://www.symas.com
 Director, Highland Sun        http://highlandsun.com/hyc
 OpenLDAP Core Team            http://www.openldap.org/project/