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Re: about ypldap

ypldap (NIS/LDAP gateway) is PADL product.  Please direct
your questions to PADL <http://www.padl.com/>.

At 03:22 AM 3/29/2005, T.K Venu wrote:
>iam are planning to implement nis/ldap gateway
>in my network and more over i want to buy the
>ypldap product from u people
>before that i want to test it in my network
>i have cofigured ypldap server using eval software
>(nis/ldap gateway) and its working fine.
>my problem is this here in my network already ldap server
>is running for mail servers lookup(postfix+openldap+courierImap)
>so, my doubt is can i user the existing openldap server for my
>ypldap if so,how ?
>i can change the lookup from ypldap to existing openldap server but
>their the objectclass is completly different from ypldap server database.
>the doublethumb...