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Re: LDAP and SSL

OK, My DN should match my CN.

dn: dc=debian,dc=insecurity,dc=org
dn: cn=admin,dc=debian,dc=insecurity,dc=org

Is there any reason why a Cert created for debian.insecurity.org
should NOT work now?

ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=debian,dc=insecurity,dc=org' -D
"cn=admin,dc=debian,dc=insecurity,dc=org" '(objectclass=*)' -H
ldap:// -W

Works as expected; however this still hangs the server:

ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=debian,dc=insecurity,dc=org' -D
"cn=admin,dc=debian,dc=insecurity,dc=org" '(objectclass=*)' -H
ldaps:// -W

I'll stop pestering you all now.  I really appreciate Tony's (and
others) help both on and off-list.

WC -Sx- Jones