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Re: SyncRepl: ldapsync & syncreplID objects

--On Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:38 AM -0400 "Matthew J. Smith" <matt.smith@uconn.edu> wrote:

I am running 2.2.15, using hdb as my backend, DB 4.2.52 (SuSE package

In reading the Admin Guide, I think I should be expecting the creation
of an ldapsync object in my Provider and syncrepl# objects in my
replicas when SyncRepl has been correctly configured.  I think I have
the config correct, as my ~40,000 entries have correctly replicated, and
modifies to them propagate correctly.

  However, I notice that slapcat'ing my Provider and Replica databases
do not show any objects resembling the name ldapsync nor syncrepl2.
Should I be able to see these objects? Who creates these objects -- do
my replica accounts need write access to the provider?  Currently, my
replication accounts have read access to everything in the provider, and
my local updatedn has full write access to the local replica.

  Also, if I restart the replica, I cannot get replication
re-established.  Running slapd with "-d 511" gives this:
=> bdb_entry_get: ndn: "cn=syncrepl2,dc=uconn,dc=edu"
=> bdb_entry_get: oc: "(null)", at: "syncreplCookie"
daemon: select timeout - yielding
daemon: select: listen=6 active_threads=0 tvp=zero
daemon: select: listen=7 active_threads=0 tvp=zero
<last three lines repeating>

  Any searches against the replica stall after some small number of
objects, at the same object each time.

  Any help is appreciated -- please let me know what other information I
should provide.

Read the manpage slapadd and slapcat. You must give slapadd flags to create the syncrepl object based on your loaded DB so it gets put in initially (it has to calculate values when the DB is first loaded), and you must give flags to slapcat to see the syncRepl entries when you export the database for loading on subsequent systems.


Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Developer
ITSS/Shared Services
Stanford University
GnuPG Public Key: http://www.stanford.edu/~quanah/pgp.html