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Re: help, openldap-2.1.xx, host attribute - I try, try, try....and nothing :(

Toper a écrit :

I installed openldap-2.1.22 and I had well-known problem with host attribute:(
I try to add moja.schema to ldap conf:
	include         /etc/openldap/schema/moja.schema
In moja.schema I had:
	attributetype (
      	NAME ( 'host' )
	        EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
	        SYNTAX )

	objectclass ( NAME 'personalAccount'
	        SUP ( inetOrgPerson $ account ) STRUCTURAL )

objectClass (
NAME 'host'
DESC 'inetOrgPerson with accounts on systems'
SUP personalAccount
MAY ( host ) )
,but slapd didn't start. I had error message:
/etc/openldap/schema/moja.schema: line 35: Duplicate attributeType: "host"

that means that the 'host' attribute is already defined, in another file included in your slapd.conf

I read http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-software/200301/msg00028.html and changed moja.schema:
objectclass (
NAME 'personOfAccount'
DESC 'inetOrgPerson with accounts on systems'
SUP inetOrgperson
MAY ( host ) )
slapd started, but when I try to add test.ldif:
dn: uid=nowak,ou=People,dc=ctlm,dc=pl
changetype: modify
add: host
host: proxy
I had error mesage:
---- cut -----
modifying entry "uid=nowak,ou=People,dc=ctlm,dc=pl"
ldapadd: update failed: uid=nowak,ou=People,dc=ctlm,dc=pl
ldap_modify: Object class violation (65)
additional info: attribute 'host' not allowed
---- cut -----

yes, you try to add the host attribute to an entry of class 'personOfAccount', which has not the attribute 'host' in its definition
so you can't

in debug of slapd I had:
	oc_check_allowed type "host"
	Entry (uid=nowak,ou=People,dc=ctlm,dc=pl), attribute 'host' not allowed
	entry failed schema check: attribute 'host' not allowed

so, I changed moja.schema:
	attributetype (
	        NAME ( 'host2' )
	        EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
	        SYNTAX )

	objectclass ( NAME 'personalAccount'
	        SUP ( inetOrgPerson $ account ) STRUCTURAL )

objectClass (
NAME 'host'
DESC 'inetOrgPerson with accounts on systems'
SUP personalAccount
MAY ( host2 ) )
slapd started, but when I try to add test.ldif:
ldapadd -x -D "cn=root,dc=ctlm,dc=pl" -W -f test.ldif
I have error mesage:
---- cut -----
modifying entry "uid=nowak,ou=People,dc=ctlm,dc=pl"
ldapadd: update failed: uid=nowak,ou=People,dc=ctlm,dc=pl
ldap_modify: Object class violation (65)
additional info: attribute 'host' not allowed
---- cut -----

yes, you try to add the 'host' attribute while the entry only accept the 'host2' attribute, according to its objectClass definition

in debug of slapd I have:
	oc_check_allowed type "host"
	Entry (uid=nowak,ou=People,dc=ctlm,dc=pl), attribute 'host' not allowed
	entry failed schema check: attribute 'host' not allowed

Could anyone write, what is wrong in my moja.schema or test.ldif???
Please help me....................

a few solutions :
1) just remove your 'host' attribute definition, but not its reference in the 'personOfAccount' objectClass definition,
and check that the already-defined 'host' attribute match you requirements
2) remove the reference to the file where the 'host' attribute was previously defined, if you don't need this file
3) define a 'host2' attribute, use it in your objectclass, and don't forget to use it in your test.ldif file



