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Re: libldap-ruby and \000


the same probleme occures with gq-0.5.0-1 on Debian/woody.
If I modify an entry that has got a userCertificate;binary
attribute containing an ascii zero character, the binary
data losts from the first \0 char to the end of the attribute.
Of cource I do not modify the userCertificate attrib, i am
changing another (for example the mail) attribute.

On Mon, Jan 05, 2004 at 11:15:09AM +0100, Bedo Sandor wrote:
> Hi,
> please let's have a look at my little ruby program!  It adds
> an entry to an ldap server and the binary fields are ended at
> the first \000 char.  Is it the libldap-ruby library's error?
> Or maybe the underlaying OpenLDAP library does something?
> (Strings in C are terminated exactly this way. Is there
> any connection?)  Or am I doing something wrong?
> How can I add binary data containing the \0 character?
> The programs output is this:
> |
> |written: "after the \000 character THIS IS ALWAYS LOST  Why!??"
> |read:    "after the "
> |
> The first string is added, the second has read back after the
> add method.
> -- 
> bSanyI

> #!/usr/bin/ruby -w
> require 'ldap'
> $HOST     = 'localhost'
> $PORT     = 389
> $PROTO    = 3 ## LDAPv3
> $SUFFIX   = "dc=mydomain, dc=com"
> $USER     = "cn=manager, #{$SUFFIX}"
> $CRED     = 'secret'
> binaryData = "after the \000 character THIS IS ALWAYS LOST  Why!??"
> dn = "cn=test, #{$SUFFIX}"
> entry = {
>   'objectClass' => [ 'top', 'strongAuthenticationUser', 'person' ],
>   'cn' => [ "test" ],
>   'sn' => [ "test" ],
>   'userCertificate;binary' => [ binaryData ],
> }
> ## bind
> ldap = LDAP::Conn.new($HOST, $PORT)
> begin
> 	ldap.bind($USER, $CRED)
> rescue LDAP::ResultError => msg
> 	$stderr.puts "\t ERROR: BIND: \"#{msg.to_s}\""
> 	exit 1
> end
> ## add
> begin
> 	entry.delete('dn')
> 	ldap.add(dn, entry)
> rescue LDAP::ResultError => msg
> 	$stderr.puts "\t ERROR: ADDING [#{dn}]: \"#{msg.to_s}\""
> 	$stderr.puts "DN: #{dn}"
> 	entry.each_key { |attr|
> 		entry[attr].each { |value|
> 			$stderr.puts "#{attr}: #{value}"
> 		}
> 	}
> 	exit 2
> ensure
> 	ldap.unbind
> end
> ## verify
> print "written: "
> p binaryData
> ldap = LDAP::Conn.new($HOST, $PORT)
> begin
> 	ldap.bind($USER, $CRED)
> 	ldap.search(dn, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, '(objectClass=*)') { |e|
> 		print "read:    "
> 		p e.vals('userCertificate;binary').first
> 	}
> rescue LDAP::ResultError => msg
> 	$stderr.puts "\t ERROR: READING [#{dn}]: \"#{msg.to_s}\""
> 	exit 3
> ensure
> 	ldap.unbind
> end
> ## end.
