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Re: slapadd and schemacheck in 2.1.18

If you don't want to turn off schema checking. you need
to make sure that your data complies with the schema.
The requirements to add an entry are two:
1) that all attributes be allowed by objectclasses to which it
2) that RDN of the entry be present as one of the attributes

So, you need dc=hac to be an attribute in your entry. But
object classes "top" and "organization" do not have attribute
"dc" in a standart schema.

So to fix this you may need to add "dcObject" as an object class
for this entry. Fortunately, that class does not require any other


Miroslav Zubcic wrote:

How am I supposed to add contents of my database back in place with
slapadd(8)? (Besides turning off schemacheck in slapd.conf(5)
temporary for that operation).

sve.ldif is slapcat(8) dump.

(root){lav}[hac]# slapadd < ../../sve.ldif slapadd: dn="dc=hac,dc=hr" (line=12): (64) naming attribute 'dc' is not present in entry

dn="dc=hac,dc=hr" is root of the database:

dn: dc=hac,dc=hr
objectClass: top
objectClass: organization
o: HAC d.o.o.
structuralObjectClass: organization
entryUUID: ee9a1b6a-aad9-1026-9e39-950d8768b1ec
creatorsName: cn=ldapadm,dc=hac,dc=hr
modifiersName: cn=ldapadm,dc=hac,dc=hr
createTimestamp: 20021223154957Z
modifyTimestamp: 20021223154957Z
entryCSN: 2002122315:49:57Z#0x0001#0#0000

if I add this in entry:

dc: hac
dc: hr

(root){lav}[hac]# slapadd < ../../sve.ldif slapadd: dn="dc=hac,dc=hr" (line=14): (19) attribute 'dc' cannot have multiple values

If I remove dc=hr for example ...

(root){lav}[hac]# slapadd < ../../sve.ldif slapadd: dn="dc=hac,dc=hr" (line=13): (65) attribute 'dc' not allowed

Has anybody found the `right' way out of this nerve game? :-)