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Re: args and pid file aren't created

tor, 24.04.2003 kl. 14.37 skrev Bruno Biedermann:

> [root@sgly-server openldap]# service ldap restart
> Stopping slapd: /etc/init.d/ldap: line 196: kill: (19811) - No such
> process
>                                                                    [ 
> OK  ]
> Starting slapd:                                            [  OK  ]
> Here is an abstract of /etc/openldap/slapd.conf... maybe i forgot
> something...

This is Red Hat, yes?

I really shouldn't worry. The two green [ OK ]s are all you have to
worry about - if something's wrong, you'll get a red FAILED. I get what
you mention often on RH 7.2, depending on what slapd has been doing and
what the process pids are.

If you take a look at /etc/rc.d/ldap, you'll see that it reads in
./functions. 'restart' is 'stop', then start. 'stop' calls function
'killproc' but 'killproc' (./functions) is a compound thing, it's not a
normal Linux command.[which|whence|locate] killproc doesn't find
anything. But look further in ./functions' and try 'whence pidof' - that
does :-)

RH people don't seem to be curious. Like "where do the pretty green and
red OK and FAIL on the console come from? How does "service start' and
'service stop' work? Etc.

Sleep soundly :-)



Tony Earnshaw

Do not come to visit me with both arms the same length.

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