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RE: newbie question

That was most of the error return. The exact error was "error 65 mail not

-----Original Message-----
From: Lon Tierney [mailto:ltierney@mykungfuisthebest.net]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 12:18 AM
To: rpremont@intellistar.net
Cc: OpenLDAP-software@OpenLDAP.org
Subject: Re: newbie question

I assume you are using something like LDAP Browser?

Sometimes the client (LDAP Browser in particular) causes issues due to the
order in which it applies items. I have found that some of the clients
don't allow things like changing object classes of existing objects, but
usually work when adding a new object.

I suggest attempting to perform the same addition with another tool, such
as ldapmodify and an LDIF. This will help you determine if you are having
a schema issue, or if you are having a client issue.

Also, if you can provide an error message that is more descriptive than
"error like mail not allowed", you may get better help. The more detailed
the better. You will get more detailed messages and debug info from
ldapmodify (in general) than most GUI-based clients.


> I am new to LDAP and am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. I
> am using a java based browser/editor with a template listed below. When
> I fill it out I get error like mail not allowed but I have it listed in
> qmailuser ojectclass. What am I doing wrong? I have also provided a
> snipit of my schema file that I think is relevant.
> # name : CourierUser
> #
> # objectClass : top
> # objectClass : organizationalPerson
> # objectClass : CourierMailAccount
> # objectClass : qmailUser
> #
> PREFIX: ou
> mail
> homeDirectory
> uidNumber
> gidNumber
> userPassword
> sn
> ----------------------------------------
> Snipit of my schema file
> objectclass ( NAME 'person'
>        DESC 'RFC2256: a person'
>        SUP top STRUCTURAL
>        MUST ( sn $ cn )
>        MAY ( userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ description ) )
> objectclass ( NAME 'organizationalPerson'
>        DESC 'RFC2256: an organizational person'
>        SUP person STRUCTURAL
>        MAY ( title $ x121Address $ registeredAddress $
>        destinationIndicator
> $
>                preferredDeliveryMethod $ telexNumber $
> teletexTerminalIdentifier $
>                telephoneNumber $ internationaliSDNNumber $
>                facsimileTelephoneNumber $ street $ postOfficeBox $
> postalCode $
>                postalAddress $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName $ ou $ st $ l
>                ) )
> objectclass ( NAME 'qmailUser'
>        DESC 'QMail-LDAP User' SUP top AUXILIARY
>        MUST ( mail $ uid )
>        MAY ( mailMessageStore $ userPassword $
>              mailAlternateAddress $ qmailUID $ qmailGID $ mailQuota $
>              mailHost $ mailForwardingAddress $ deliveryProgramPath $
>              qmailDotMode $ deliveryMode $ mailReplyText $
>              accountStatus ) )
> objectclass ( NAME 'CourierMailAccount' SUP top
>        DESC 'Mail account object as used by the Courier mail server'
>        MUST ( mail $ homeDirectory $ uidNumber $ gidNumber )
>        MAY ( mailbox $ uid $ cn $ gecos $ description $ loginShell $
>        quota
> $ userPassword $ clearPassword ) )
> Thank You,
> Russell Premont