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automatic referrals produce LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT


I'm having a problem with automatic referrals using the C-api but not the command line tools for openldap 2.0.27. Both client and server are running on Redhat 7.2.

If a referral is encountered, my c-program terminates with LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT and fails to locate any entries. When the equivalent query is launched through ldapsearch with -C to chase referrals, it works fine, which I hope means that the ldap directory is configured correctly.

By experimenting with the code a bit, I've found that the query works if I turn off automatic referral chasing with a call like this:

/* Never follow referrals. */
       ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_set_option" );
          return( 1 );

After doing that, I no longer get the "No such object" error, and instead get the expected "Partial results and referral". I could write the code to handle this manually by parsing the referrals and relaunching the query for each referral, but I don't really want to do that. I can't figure out why automatic referral chasing isn't working. And I can't seem to find this documented for openldap in any detail. Does anybody have any ideas about why this doesn't work for me, and how I might fix it?

I've included the program that I'm using to test with below if it helps, which comes straight from the docs with a few minor tweaks.


------ start program listing for test.c ---------------------
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ldap.h>

int main()

char *ldap_host = "dev.example.org";
int ldap_port = 389;
int err;
LDAP *ld;

LDAPMessage *result, *e;
char *dn;
char *my_searchbase = "dc=example,dc=org";
char *my_filter = "(uid=jones)";
char *get_attr[] = { "cn", "mail", NULL };

/* Init the ldap connection */
if ( ( ld = ldap_init( ldap_host, ldap_port ) ) == NULL ) {
	   perror( "ldap_init" );
	      return( 1 );

/* Never follow referrals. */
	   ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_set_option" );
	      return( 1 );

/* Bind to the ldap server */
if ( ldap_simple_bind_s( ld, NULL, NULL ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
	   ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_simple_bind_s" );
	      return( 1 );

/* Search the directory. */
err = ldap_search_s( ld, my_searchbase, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, my_filter,
			         get_attr, 0, &result );	
if ( (err != LDAP_SUCCESS)  && (err != LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS)) {
	ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_search_s" );
	return( 1 );

/* Check whether any results were found. */
if ( ldap_count_entries( ld, result ) == 0 ) {
	   printf( "No matching results found.\n" );
	      return( 0 );

/* Retrieve each entry from the search results. */
for ( e = ldap_first_entry( ld, result ); e != NULL;
		         e = ldap_next_entry( ld, e ) ) {

  /* code for getting data from the entries */
  if ( ( dn = ldap_get_dn( ld, e ) ) != NULL ) {
    printf( "dn: %s\n", dn );
    /* Free the memory used for the DN when done */
    ldap_memfree( dn );

/* Free the result when done. */
ldap_msgfree( result );

/* Unbind */
if ( ldap_unbind( ld ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
	   ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_unbind" );
	      return( 1 );

return( 0 );

------------------------- end program listing ------------------