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Solaris 8 and OpenLDAP

	Hi, I've been fighting with openLDAP for some time now.

	I've done the following:
	1.) Patched the server (Both patches found on archives)
	2.) Created the /var/ldap/* by hand
	3.) Changed nsswitch.conf
	4.) Created the profiles and loaded them in the server

	I have the following:

	1.) listusers gives me all the users
	2.) ldaplist gives me the tree of the directory
	3.) ldapclient say's:

findDN: begins
findDN: calling __ns_ldap_default_config()
found 1 namingcontexts
findDN: __ns_ldap_list(NULL, 
rootDN[0] dc=example,dc=com
NOTFOUND:Could not find the nisDomainObject for DN dc=example,dc=com
cannot find search base DN

	4.) If I do the same search by hand I get nothing.  Doing
	the search of the objectclass only gives me this:

ldapsearch -D "cn=Ultras,ou=LDAPusers,dc=example,dc=com" -b 
"dc=example,dc=com" -h <ip> '(objectclass=nisDomainObject)'
Bind Password:
o=Example . Com

	Any ideas of what is wrong?

	thanks in advance

		Muchas personas creen que piensan,
		cuando en realidad sólo están reordenando sus
					- William James
      /  .-.               Pablo Endres Lozada                        .-.  \
     |  /   \       Laboratorio Docente de Computacion              /   \  |
     | |\_.  |                USB - Venezuela                      |    /| |
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     | `---' |               epablo@ldc.usb.ve                     | `---' |
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