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Re: ACI - cannot see any mistakes

Armin Wenz writes:

I have a DIT like
- o=Demo
- ou=user
- ou=company
I want to deny anonymous access to the ou=user branch.

My ACL is:
access to dn=".*, ou=user, o=Demo, c=DE"
by dn="cn=user1, ou=user, o=Demo, c=DE" write
by anonymous auth
by * none
access to dn=".*,c=DE"
by dn="cn=user1, ou=user, o=Demo, c=DE" write
by * read

When doing an anonymous subtree search with base "ou=user, o=Demo, c=DE" I still got all entries under that branch.

In the log I read:
access_allowed: search access to "ou=user,o=MailPass Demo, c=DE"
"objectClass" requested
dnpat: [1] .*, ou=user, o=Demo, c=DE nsub: 0
dnpat: [2] .*,c=DE nsub: 0
acl_get: [2] matched

In my opinion ACL1 should match.

What have I misunderstood or done wrong?

do not use spaces after commas in DNs;
moreover, you may use a more efficient
exact match instead of unnecessary regex
match by doing

access to dn.subtree="o=...,c=DE"

and so.


Dr. Pierangelo Masarati | voice: +39 02 2399 8309
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Politecnico di Milano | mailto:pierangelo.masarati@polimi.it
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