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Re: Version 2.1.2 : smba.schema doesn't work anymore ?

At 02:48 PM 2002-06-12, Harry Rüter wrote:
>09:02:02 PM: Failed to add new entry
>uid=emu,ou=Mitarbeiter,o=Demofirma, dc=hrnet,dc=de
>Root error: [LDAP: error code 65 - invalid structural object
>class chain (inetOrgPerson/sambaAccount)]

An object cannot structurally be both an inetOrgPerson and
a sambaAccount.    If you want the object to belong to both
inetOrgPerson and sambaAccount classes, then it structurally
needs to of a class which inherits (directly or indirectly)
from both inetOrgPerson and a sambaAccount.

>09:02:03 PM: Failed to add new entry
>uid=admin,ou=ldap,o=myorganization, dc=hrnet,dc=de
>Root error: [LDAP: error code 65 - no structural object
>classes provided]

All object must have structure.
