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DIT Structure Rules

I have succussfully added custom attributes and objects using my own *.schema file.  Here's a portion of my *.schema file:

objectclass ( NAME 'audixNetwork' SUP top STRUCTURAL
        MAY ( netid $ Status $ NetName $ NetPassword $ UpdCin $
        UpdCout $ DpgTelNo $ NumExtDig $ NetMultiMedia $ NumRng $
        MacType $ DefCmty $ NetType $ NetTcpPort $ SendToNonAdmin $
        AmisIndex $ NetTurn $ NetClog $ ModemInit $ Permissions $
        KeepAlive $ Service $ NetIpAddress $ NetUtf8 $ Netnodeid ) )
objectclass ( NAME 'netSched' SUP top STRUCTURAL
        MAY ( sched $ XmitStart $ XmitEnd $ XmitPeriod ) )

I want to require that the netSched node always be a leaf node off of a audixNetwork node.  It seems like I need a DIT structure rule, but I couldn't find an example of how to define one for openldap.  I assume it goes in the *.schema file too.  How do I define a DIT structure rule??

Thanks in advance,

Kevin Hicks