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Re: definitions of attributes

Quoting christophe.Garrigue@altair.fr:

> Hi,
> I try to insert a person in my directory with a personal attribute named "cptess
>       " like define above in a schema file included in my slapd.conf
> attributetype ( NAME 'cptess'
>         DESC 'compteur de tentatives de connection'
>         SYNTAX )

You must also define a objectclass where this attributetype is included (as a MAY or

> dn: CN=bidochon, O=ASC, C=FR
> cptess: 0
> objectclass: top
> objectclass: person
> objectclass: organizationalPerson
> objectclass: inetOrgPerson
> objectclass: dominoPerson

And don't forget to include your new objectclass:

objectclass: whatever

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