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Re: I'm puzzled (problem with ACLs)

Nicolas Chauvat wrote:

>         access to dn=".*, ou=assistants, dc=logilab, dc=fr" by * write
>         access to dn=".*, ou=assistants, dc=logilab, dc=fr" by dn="^$$" write
>         access to dn=".*, ou=assistants, dc=logilab, dc=fr" by dn="" write
>         access to dn=".*, ou=assistants, dc=logilab, dc=fr" attr=status by * write
> but none of the above will work. OTOH,
>         access to * by * write

trim spaces between commas ',' and the following attribute type
in DNs when writing ACLs (actually, acls use normalized DNs):

access to dn=".*,ou=assistants,dc=logilab,dc=fr" by * write


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