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»Ø¸´: ldapadd problem...

hi :
     this is not a problem , a space or a "," which all to seperate the
member of suffix .

                                         lucky :P) by China, X.D.Chen
-----Original Message-----
·¢¼þÈË: Glen Coakley <gcoakley@mqsoftware.com>
ÊÕ¼þÈË: openldap-software@OpenLDAP.org <openldap-software@OpenLDAP.org>
ÈÕÆÚ: 2001Äê4ÔÂ9ÈÕ 22:39
Ö÷Ìâ: RE: ldapadd problem...

>The server suffix (in slapd.conf) is 'dc=aia.tartu, dc=ee' while the entry
>you are trying to add has a dn of 'cn=Martin Sieben,dc=aia.tartu,dc=ee'
>which is a suffix of 'dc=aia.tartu,dc=ee'. One has a space and one does
>Make them the same.
>Glen Coakley, Sr. Software Engineer
>MQSoftware Inc., (763) 543-4845
>Have you ever wonder what happens when you run "rm -rf / " but been afraid
>to try it?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Martin Sieben [mailto:martins@aia.tartu.ee]
>> Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 5:25 PM
>> To: openldap-software@OpenLDAP.org
>> Subject: ldapadd problem...
>> Hi,
>> I'm tring to get global addressbook up with openldap-2.0.7
>> under RedHat
>> 7.0. No luck. Maybe you could help. Been playing 10hrs
>> already but can't
>> get over that. :(
>> ---
>> [root@martin openldap]# ldapadd -x -v
>> ldap_initialize( <DEFAULT> )
>> dn: cn=Martin Sieben,dc=aia.tartu,dc=ee
>> cn: Martin Sieben
>> cn: Matu
>> sn: Sieben
>> objectClass: person
>> add cn:
>>         Martin Sieben
>>         Matu
>> add sn:
>>         Sieben
>> add objectClass:
>>         person
>> adding new entry "cn=Martin Sieben,dc=aia.tartu,dc=ee"
>> ldap_add: No such object
>> ldif_record() = 32
>> ---
>> ldap.conf:
>> BASE    dc=aia.tartu, dc=ee
>> URI     ldap://martin.aia.tartu.ee ldap://martin.aia.tartu.ee:666
>> SIZELIMIT       12
>> TIMELIMIT       15
>> DEREF           never
>> ---
>> slapd.conf:
>> access to * by * write
>> database        ldbm
>> suffix          "dc=aia.tartu, dc=ee"
>> rootdn          "cn=Jumala asemik, dc=aia.tartu, dc=ee"
>> rootpw          {SSHA}KDC0bhYA27d3cQpnisXwNJu/PcWASht6
>> directory       /var/lib/ldap
>> index   objectClass,uidNumber,gidNumber     eq
>> index   cn,dc,o,c,surname,givenname        eq,subinitial
>> index   uid                                     pres
>> ---
>> Martin (a bit sad)