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email routing with mail500: I'm about to give up!

I am just about going to give up on trying to get mail500
running as the delivery agent for Sendmail with OpenLdap.

I do not know how to write the Base Array for main.c or any
other necessary configuration in main.c.  I have read the README
for mail500 over and over again but I can't get the base array to
filter what I want.

Is there anyone out there who can help?? I have everything else set
up okay (sendmail configured to use mail500 as the delivery agent and workin
except main.c. to do the search I need.  

Here are the details:

Each user's entry looks like this****************
dn: cn=name, o=organization, c=JP
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
cn: root
sn: Mpoyi-Mpoyi
cn: Kristina
mail: name@domain.co.jp
mailLocalAddress: name@domain.co.jp
mailHost: host.domain.co.jp

.....and so I want to rewrite the default base array in main.c so that mail
500 agent invoked by sendmail
checks ldap for the "mail" or "mailLocalAddress"attribute for the mail addre
ss entry in the database,
and if it there is a match, gets routed to the entry at "mailHost" with the

The default Base Array:***********************
Base    base[] =
        { "ou=People, o=University of Michigan, c=US",
                0, USER,
                "uid=%s", "cn=%s", NULL,
          "ou=System Groups, ou=Groups, o=University of Michigan, c=US",
                1, 0xff,
                "(&(cn=%s)(associatedDomain=%h))", NULL, NULL,
          "ou=User Groups, ou=Groups, o=University of Michigan, c=US",
                1, 0xff,
                "(&(cn=%s)(associatedDomain=%h))", NULL, NULL,

