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Direct access to de LDAP Data Base.

Anyone knows if the LDAP C API contains functions for direct access to
the LDAP Data Base ?

This graph ilustrates what I'm trying to do:

|-------------| Replica  |------------| DATA
| MASTER LDAP |--------->| SLAVE LDAP |------>|----|
|   SERVER    |          |   SERVER   |       | DB |  C API
|-------------|          |------------|       |----|<------- Application

The Master LDAP Server is in one host, and the Slave LDAP Server and the
Application are in other host. This way the application may have direct
access to the Data Base whitout the overload of make a TCP connection
with the Slave LDAP Server.

Is this possible ?

Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó / cmunyoz@es.wanadoo.coma