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Re: Roaming Profiles - How would one prefabricate 3300 different users?

Norman Aaron wrote:

> Is there a way to script an ldapmodify that would create generic Roaming
> profiles that the only way they would be different from each other would be
> the different usernames / email addresses?  The binary values make the
> content of the different pieces difficult to view.  Is PerLDAP have a
> function that would do this for me?  Thanks so much in advance!

I suggest writing a script in Perl (or your favorite text-processing
language), which outputs the desired entries in LDIF; pipe its output into
`ldapmodify -a` (aka ldapadd, in some implementations).  PerLDAP is not
required, although it would work fine (if you have other reasons to choose

Do the desired entries all have the same values of binary attributes?  If not,
I'd definitely use Perl to construct the binary attribute values, and use the
current development (not released) version of Mozilla::LDAP::LDIF to convert
the values to LDIF, for input to `ldapmodify -a` (see above).  To get

cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot \
  checkout -rdevel-branch-1_3 mozilla/directory/perldap/LDIF.pm

PerLDAP is described at http://www.mozilla.org/directory/perldap.html