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Re: Passwd Backend Syntax?

At 10:09 AM 6/6/99 -0700, Hugh Caley wrote:
>Sorry to bother you with this ,  but I cannot find any documentation on
>this aspect of OpneLDAP.

man slapd.conf

In particular, see the suffix directive.

>How do you set up/query a passwd database?

ldapsearch -b suffix -h host 'objectclasses=*'

(where suffix is the specified in slapd.conf for the slapd
running on host)

>My slapd.conf basically consists only of the "database    passwd" line.

At least one suffix directive is required.

I should also note that the password backend primarily serves
as an example of how to write a backend.  It's usefulness in
the realworld is limited.

  - Kurt