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Re: new user stuff

> So, I want to start using OpenLDAP.  How do I bootstrap my LDAP
>database (given that I've not used LDAP anywhere before)?  The guides
>directory is empty, and the FAQ is a little bare.  Also, how do I let
>myself do adds, etc...?  I kept getting either ``no object'' or a
>permission denied type error in my attempts on -stable last night, and I'm
>running the latest commits right now on my SGI (building it on my laptop,
>which is what I was testing on last night).

 modify slapd.conf for you configuration - database type, suffix, database
placement, rootdn entry and password. Set up access list - for the first
time access * to * by write would be enough :) For the first time - comment
out referral reference and set schemacheck to OFF.

 create a LDIF file with at least root entry for future entries. My
newbase.ld usually looking like this

dn: c=RU
c: Russia
Objectclass: country

without root entry you can't add childrens like o=My Company, c=ru - slapd
checks for parent DN, and if it doesn't exist - fail with  NO SUCH OBJECT or
permission denied - only root can add such entries. (btw - afair - you must
have a rootdn entry in database for binding as root)

 ldif2ldbm newbase.ld slapd.conf - bas created! :)

To add or modify database:
 You can use your own tools written on C/Perl/Java. You can use
ldapadd/modify/delete - it's get more typing but... for example
ldapadd -h myhost -b c=RU
dn: o=My Company, c=RU
changetype: add
o: My Company
PostalAddress: My address at room 222
objectclass: organization

Hope, it helps you. :)