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announcing release of Fortress 1.0-RC36

Release 36 - RBAC Accelerator Client Integration

For those who are using APIs and are upgrading from a previous release, you will need to change your package imports from:




Other RC36 changes include:

- Integrate RBAC Accelerator Client
- Add RBAC Accelerator Overlay to all packages
- Change license to use OpenLDAP Public License
- Change Maven group coordinates to org.openldap
- Add support for Java 8
- Support sharing of security context between Tomcat Realm and Web Application
- Fix bugs


        Release Notes - Fortress Core - Version 1.0-RC36
<h2>        Bug
<li>[<a href=''>FC-106</a>] -         Warning class needs to implement Serializable
<li>[<a href=''>FC-107</a>] -         Some tests are failing with JAVA 8 (due to the Map order being different)
<h2>        Improvement
<li>[<a href=''>FC-110</a>] -         ObjectClass description in Javadoc could use different tags
<h2>        New Feature
<li>[<a href=''>FC-108</a>] -         Add RBAC Accelerator client to Fortress
<h2>        Task
<li>[<a href=''>FC-112</a>] -         Convert all package names, maven group and licenses to org.openldap
<li>[<a href=''>FC-113</a>] -         RC36 Release

        Release Notes - Commander - Version 1.0-RC36
<h2>        Bug
<li>[<a href=''>COM-95</a>] -         Can&#39;t upgrade past &lt;wicket.jquery.version&gt;6.11.0&lt;/wicket.jquery.version&gt;
<li>[<a href=''>COM-97</a>] -         Fix use of maven-antrun-plugin
<h2>        Improvement
<li>[<a href=''>COM-90</a>] -         Remove phantomjs from dist
<li>[<a href=''>COM-94</a>] -         Upgrade to Wicket 6.14.0
<li>[<a href=''>COM-96</a>] -         Upgrade to wicket.jquery.version 6.14.0
<h2>        Task
<li>[<a href=''>COM-98</a>] -         Convert all package names, maven group and licenses to org.openldap
<li>[<a href=''>COM-99</a>] -         RC36 Release

        Release Notes - Sentry - Version 1.0-RC36
<h2>        New Feature
<li>[<a href=''>SEN-14</a>] -         Support sharing of context between realm and app using java.security.Principal
<h2>        Task
<li>[<a href=''>SEN-15</a>] -         Convert all package names, maven group and licenses to org.openldap
<li>[<a href=''>SEN-18</a>] -         RC36 Release

        Release Notes - EnMasse - Version 1.0-RC36
<h2>        Task
<li>[<a href=''>EN-15</a>] -         Convert all package names, maven group and licenses to org.openldap
<li>[<a href=''>EN-16</a>] -         RC36 Release

Shawn McKinney