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Re: ldap_bind_st() call

On 06/24/2011 09:15 PM, Howard Chu schrobtete:
> You appear to be using a very old version of OpenLDAP then.
This is correct, I am currently using openldap 2.1.30, still...

> The LDAP_OPT_TIMEOUT setting will timeout any synchronous request, and
> has done so since early 2007 at least.
... I cannot confirm this. Even when I use openldap 2.4.23 I can
reproduce my DoS-scenario by starting a 'nc -l localhost -p 389' and
performing an 'ldapsearch -l 5 -h localhost ...' which ends up in an
unresponsive ldapsearch.

>> A mailinglist-entry back from 2002 suggested the implementation
>> of a custom ldap_bind_st()-function, which I did using ldap_bind()
>> and ldap_result(). Yet, me efforts were in vain as I could not
>> retrieve the ld_error-member from LDAP-structure since it's an
>> opaque struct.
> That's what ldap_get_option(,LDAP_OPT_RESULT_CODE,) is for.
Thanks, that was what I was looking for.

>> I finally ended up with a custom function which
>> essentially does what I want, but I cannot figure out
>> To sum it up: any chance to get this upstream?
> No. The current code already works as desired.
I don't see that.

