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Re: question about the draft acl

There has been recent discussion on the <ietf-ldapext@netscape.com>
mailing list regarding ldapACI evaluation issues.  I suggest
you review the archives <http://www.openldap.org/lists/ietf-ldapext/>
and then post your question to <ietf-ldapext@netscape.com> as
this is really a specification issue.


At 07:43 PM 4/7/01 +0800, Yi-Min Tan wrote:
>I am developing the draft-ietf-ldapext-acl-model-07.txt for openldap
>but I have the following question about the acl
>my acl as follow--
>acl:subtree#grant:d#[entry]#group:cn=user,o=org,o=tw       (1)
>acl:subtree#grant:d#[entry]#subtree:o=tw                   (2)
>acl:subtree#deny:d#[entry]#subtree:o=ncu,o=edu,o=tw        (3)
>I am bind as "o=ncu,o=edu,o=tw"
>according to the document draft-ietf-ldapext-acl-model-07.txt
>can I delete the child of "o=edu,o=tw" ?
>*****  note: "o=ncu,o=edu,o=tw" is a member of group "cn=user,o=org,o=tw" *****
>from role (1) I can delete the child of "o=edu,o=tw"
>from role (3) I can't delete the child of "o=edu,o=tw"
>from role (2) i can delete the child of "o=edu,o=tw"
>but the "group" is more specific then "subtree"
>but bind name "o=ncu,o=edu,o=tw" is more -close- "o=edu,o=tw" then "o=tw"
>can somebody give me some hit
>thanks a lot