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Re: POSIX threads


What version of Tru64 are you running?

Herman Meerlo wrote:

> Hello,
> I know that for OpenLDAP version 1.x there is a requirement that the thread
> library may not be preemptive. Can someone tell me if this is also the case
> for 2.x versions? I ask this because I have problems with a crashing
> OpenLDAP on a Compaq Alpha Tru64 UNIX platform (OSF). This only happens
> under high load (100+ accesses per second). Maybe someone has experience
> with this and can help me? I have compiled it with  the -without-threads
> flag and then it runs fine. But that does not satisfy me because offcourse I
> want to know why it crashes with pthreads.
> Regards,
> Herman Meerlo
>         Herman Meerlo
>         Software Developer Wireless Service Broker
>         ________________________________________
>         CMG Wireless Data Solutions (Netherlands) B.V.
>         Hengelosestraat 501
>         7521 AG Enschede
>         P.O. Box  268
>         7500 AG Enschede
>         The Netherlands
>         Phone: +31 53 48 14 818
>         Fax:     +31 53 48 14 841
>         ________________________________________
>         Internet: www.cmg-wireless.com <http://www.cmg-wireless.com>