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Re: No such object

"Kurt D. Zeilenga" wrote:
> At 12:41 AM 8/26/00 +0200, Michael Ströder wrote:
> >Using OpenLDAP 1.2.11 client and 2.0-gamma server ("No such object"
> >is missing):
> I was unable to duplicate based on the information provided.

I was able to track down the problem a little bit. It has nothing to
do with using 1.2.x clients. The bug seems to be in the
dereferencing (the defaults for parameter -a of ldapsearch seems to
be different for 1.2.x and 2.0). Note that I don't have referrals in
my database.

michael@junker:~ > /usr/local/openldap2/bin/ldapsearch -a always -v
-b "cn=non-existent,dc=karlsruhe,dc=de" -s base "(objectClass=*)"
ldap_init( <DEFAULT>, <DEFAULT> )
filter: (objectClass=*)
requesting: ALL
version: 2

# filter: (objectClass=*)
# requesting: ALL

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success
matchedDN: dc=karlsruhe,dc=de

# numResponses: 1
michael@junker:~ > /usr/local/openldap2/bin/ldapsearch -a never -v
-b "cn=non-existent,dc=karlsruhe,dc=de" -s base "(objectClass=*)"
ldap_init( <DEFAULT>, <DEFAULT> )
filter: (objectClass=*)
requesting: ALL
version: 2

# filter: (objectClass=*)
# requesting: ALL

# search result
search: 2
result: 32 No such object
matchedDN: dc=karlsruhe,dc=de

# numResponses: 1

Now it should be possible for you to reproduce it. If not I can
provide the detailed logs.

Ciao, Michael.