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Re: Returning wrong entry for a dn

I suggest you redirect this enquiry over to our software list.

(sounds like you should rebuild your indices)

At 11:11 AM 2/7/00 -0600, Nalla, Suneetha R (Suneetha) *CTR* wrote:
>I am having a strange problem with my openldap slapd server. I actually have
>a slapd running on solaris 2.6 supporting two different suffixes on the same
>server. I am trying to do a search for an entry from the database and I am
>getting the wrong entry for it. 
>I have two suffixes "o=comp1,c=US" and "o=comp2,c=US" supported on the same
>server. I have a bunch of entries under each. When I am trying to do a
>search on an entry under "o=comp1,c=US" the result I am getting is the base
>object in the second suffix i.e. object "o=comp2,c=US". I have entries from
>1000 to 1009, 1000 entry is good I am getting the right ones back. But 1001
>is the entry that's giving problem.
>When I do a search on this with "dn:
>edigit=1,edigit=0,edigit=0,edigit=1,o=comp1,c=US" I get back:
>dn: o=comp2,c=US
>objectclass: top
>objectclass: organization
>o: comp2
>When I try to delete that entry, I get back: Operation not allowed on
>nonleaf. When I created this entry this is the leaf object and now I don't
>know why it's saying that and why it's giving the wrong result for search.
>When I do a search on the next number 1002 with "dn:
>edigit=2,edigit=0,edigit=0,edigit=1,o=comp1,c=US" I get back: No such object
>When I try to delete that entry it gives: No such object
>When I try to add it again it gives: Already exists
>It does the same thing for the entry 1003 also. But again the entries after
>that are fine 1004, 1005 ......1009 are all returning the right ones back. 
>I am having problem deleting entries from under the second suffix. Adding,
>modifying, searching is all fine but I am having problem deleting the
>entries under second suffix it says "Operation not allowed on nonleaf" when
>I know that is a leaf object. If I do a search on the entries with sub
>option I don't get any thing else under that object and when I created them
>I created as the leaf objects.
>I actually imported some of the entries under the first suffix
>"o=comp1,c=US" from an old server supporting only this suffix. All the
>entries under the second suffix "o=comp2,c=US" were created new after
>creating a new server supporting both suffixes.
>I ran the server in debug mode but could not figure out anything. I can send
>the out put from the server in debug mode if you need to look at it. Did
>somebody encounter this problem before. It will be great if somebody could
>help me with this.
>Thanks, for the help.
>Suneetha R. Nalla