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(ITS#9147) syncrepl connexion leak when provider uses an expired certificate

Full_Name: Maxime Besson
Version: 2.4.48
OS: Debian Buster / CentOS7
URL: https://cloud.worteks.com/index.php/s/9CE6ALLaAfrxZW4/download
Submission from: (NULL) (

I have two OpenLDAP (2.4.48, Ubuntu) servers running with syncrepl in

One of my server's X509 certificates has recently expired, and I noticed that
while it was expired, the other node's connection count kept climbing until it
a "Max open files" condition. It seems that when a Syncrepl consumer encounters
a certificate error, the outgoing LDAP connection to the provider is never

Attached to this bug you will find a test case to reproduce this behavior

    # runs a provider with a bogus certificate 
    # and a consumer with retry=3+
    sh test.sh 
    TLS certificate verification: Error, self signed certificate
    TLS trace: SSL3 alert write:fatal:unknown CA
    TLS trace: SSL_connect:error in error
    TLS: can't connect: error:1416F086:SSL
routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed (self signed
    5e160966 slap_client_connect: URI=ldaps://
DN="cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com" ldap_sasl_bind_s failed (-1)
    5e160966 do_syncrepl: rid=001 rc -1 retrying
    and so on, every 3 seconds

While the consumer retries, running lsof on its PID will reveal the connection

    42u     TCP localhost:45964->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    43u     TCP localhost:45966->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    44u     TCP localhost:45968->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    45u     TCP localhost:45970->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    46u     TCP localhost:45972->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    47u     TCP localhost:45974->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    48u     TCP localhost:45976->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    49u     TCP localhost:45978->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    50u     TCP localhost:45980->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    51u     TCP localhost:45982->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    52u     TCP localhost:45984->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    53u     TCP localhost:45986->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    54u     TCP localhost:45988->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    55u     TCP localhost:45990->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    56u     TCP localhost:45992->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    57u     TCP localhost:45994->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    58u     TCP localhost:45996->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    59u     TCP localhost:45998->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    60u     TCP localhost:46000->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    61u     TCP localhost:46002->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    62u     TCP localhost:46004->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    63u     TCP localhost:46006->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)
    64u     TCP localhost:46008->localhost.lan:6636 (CLOSE_WAIT)

Modifying the provider URL in slapd.2.conf with a wrong port causes the
consumer to fail and retry just as much, but without connection piling up in

This is not a very critical issue because it only affects servers who are in
already degraded condition (broken replication, invalid certificate on the
provider) but I thought it still was worth reporting.

I was able to reproduce this issue on the git master branch, on released 2.4.48,
on Centos7 and on Debian Buster.
OpenSSL version on the debian system: 1.1.1d-0+deb10u2