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(ITS#9088) Concurrency not seen in OpenLDAP 2.4.44

Full_Name: Rajalakshmi
Version: 2.4.44
OS: RHEL 7.6
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (

(1) What problem/issue/behavior are you having trouble with? What do you expect
to see?
Using OpenLDAP version 2.4.44 we are not seeing Concurrency whereas in OpenLDAP
Version 2.4.23 we are seeing Concurrent LDAP Requests.
In our product OpenLDAP 2.4.23 was previously used and the concurrent request
for search using the API ' ldap_search_ext_s() ' was working as expected and our
product scalability was better. 
We have recently upgraded LDAP to OpenLDAP 2.4.44. But with this version, the
api 'ldap_search_ext_s()' does not seem to work as expected, i.e concurrent
requests handling is not happening. 

(2) Where are you experiencing the behavior? What environment? 
In RHEL 7.6. 
If we sent 10 Concurrent Requests each request is processed one by one. Most of
the threads are waiting in ldap_search_req. 

(3) When does the behavior occur? Frequently? Repeatedly? At certain times? 

(4) What information can you provide around timeframes and the business impact?

There is a release impact due to the open issue. Hence seeking a reply at the

In our product, the  API ?ldap_search_req ? is used and this will be called by
multiple threads at a time. On the process startup of the application, bind to
ldap Server is created. status = ldap_search_ext_s(m_ld, pszBase, nScope,
pszFilter, ppszAttrs2, nAttrsOnly, NULL, NULL, pTimeout2, LDAP_NO_LIMIT,

(5) Whether we need to do anything on that?
Request for a solution at the earliest, is there any alternative api to support
concurrency request
Is there any open defect in the 'OpenLDAP 2.4.44' related to the synchronous
handling method ' ldap_search_ext_s() '.