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Re: (ITS#9037) observing crash in mdb_cursor_put()

vporof@mozilla.com wrote:
> It might be possible that even though RKV was built in debug mode, the
> backing sys crate isn't building LMDB itself this way. On a very first 
> glance it looks like this is the case, always going for opt level 2:
> https://github.com/danburkert/lmdb-rs/blob/master/lmdb-sys/build.rs#L23
> I'll have a closer look at the build process and see what's going on.
> Can you share your build process that resulted in LMDB debug functions
> being optimized away? Did you build using the fuzzer via `cargo afl`?
> Something else?

I deleted the lmdb-rkv-sys-* directories from target/debug/build, edited
 and added #define MDB_DEBUG 3 at the top of the file, then reran the cargo build command.

RUSTFLAGS="-Clink-arg=-fuse-ld=gold" cargo afl build -v

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