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Re: (ITS#9036) LDMB: 0.9.23: mdb_env_info() does not report latest mapsize() after transaction abort

Howard Chu wrote in <b0311a63-3757-5b69-676a-bd8293e34c1e@symas.com>:
 |steffen@sdaoden.eu wrote:
 |> Full_Name: Steffen Nurpmeso
 |> Version: 0.9.23
 |> OS: Linux
 |> URL: https://ftp.sdaoden.eu/lmdb-bogo.tar.xz
 |> Submission from: (NULL) (
 |> A follow-up to private communication with Quanah Gibson-Mount.
 |> You can find more in the tarball linked below
 |Your README states that the behavior in LMDB 0.9.23 is different than \
 |in 0.9.22 but that
 |is incorrect. No changes to set_mapsize() behavior were made between \
 |0.9.22 and 0.9.23.

Yeah!!  Mind you, i have even looked into the git history once
AlpineLinux switched to 0.9.23 and i came to the very same

But one thing is plain: on AlpineLinux, with musl libc, from July
2018 to January 2019, i ran bogofilter with LMDB 0.9.22 exactly as
it is still in bogofilter upstream and on the one branch in the
ball i provided under the URL above.  Doing monthly dump + rebuild
of my spam database to vacuumize the thing.  Without any problems.
Then after my weekly system upgrade, which (also?) came with LMDB
0.9.23 i suddenly saw crashes, on a Saturday night!  You can read
the two mails [1,2] if you wanna.

  [1] https://www.bogofilter.org/pipermail/bogofilter-dev/2019q1/003515.html
  [2] https://www.bogofilter.org/pipermail/bogofilter-dev/2019q1/003516.html

 |Closing this ITS.

Well ok, if it is so designed that set_mapsize() is not meant to
survive a transaction abort, then it may be so.  But then it should
possibly be documented that after a transaction abort all
environmental settings need to be reestablished, as they vanish
after an abortion.  I.e., that they only become persistent after
a successful commit.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)