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    <p><font face="Calibri">I reviewed some of the initial discussion
        about this same issue which lead to this fix in version 2.4.26,
        "</font>Fixed libldap ASYNC TLS setup (ITS#6828)", and looked at
      the code that Ian Puleston suggested should be fixed in
      ldap_int_open_connection. This routine does have the code to do
      what was need for TSL to work but was not called since it received
      an error code of -2 not 0. The -2 simply indicated that this was
      an asynchronous call. I changed the test to call the TSL setup if
      the return code was either 0 or -2. This fixes my issue. Here is
      my patch.</p>
    <p>--- openldap-2.4.47/libraries/libldap/open.c    2018-12-19
      10:57:06.000000000 -0500<br>
      +++ openldap-2.4.47.mod/libraries/libldap/open.c    2019-01-26
      18:24:48.000000000 -0500<br>
      @@ -440,7 +440,7 @@<br>
       #ifdef HAVE_TLS<br>
      -    if (rc == 0 &amp;&amp; ( ld-&gt;ld_options.ldo_tls_mode ==
      LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_HARD ||<br>
      +    if ((rc == 0 || rc == -2) &amp;&amp; (
      ld-&gt;ld_options.ldo_tls_mode == LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_HARD ||<br>
               strcmp( srv-&gt;lud_scheme, "ldaps" ) == 0 ))<br>
               ++conn-&gt;lconn_refcnt;    /* avoid premature free */<br>
    <p><font face="Arial,Verdana,Helvetica">Thanks,<br>
      <font face="Arial,Verdana,Helvetica"></font></p>