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RE: (ITS#8609) segfault in mods.c - modify_add_values

> From: Quanah Gibson-Mount
> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 8:07 AM
> You stated previously that you are in 4-way MMR.  It's not valid to have a
> serverID of 0 in an MMR environment (See
> <http://www.openldap.org/its/index.cgi/?findid=8635>).

Well now, that's quite a fresh ITS 8-/. I'm guessing quite a few people have
serverID's of 0 in their replicated environments, as I don't know that I've
ever seen that information before. What are the ramifications of having a
server with an ID of 0 in a replicated environment? What is the procedure
for remediating the issue? Is it as simple as shutting down that server,
updating the configuration to have a serverID of 4 and restarting it? Or
does the database need to be stripped of all CSN's which have an ID of 0 via
slapcat, grep -v, and then slapadd with the -w option on the master and then
reloading from ldif on all the replicas?