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Re: (ITS#8354) syncprov segv

Thomas Pressnell wrote:
> Hi,
> Looking beyond syncprov.c:2574 o_abandon can be set, however as i
> understand it once the syncop has been added to the si_ops list its
> cleanup will be handled by syncprov_op_abandon, we would just need to
> ensure it has not traversed syncprov_op_abandon before being added to
> the list.
> Reading the rest of syncprov_op_search and syncprov_search_response i
> notice that syncprov_search_response does check o_abandon (when
> deciding if to detach the psearch).
> In the event of an abandon syncprov_search_response seems to assume
> syncprov_op_abandon will take care of the cleanup of the syncop, which
> it wouldn't if syncprov_op_abandon had already been executed before
> the syncop was added to the si_ops list @~ 2574

OK, thanks. A fix is now in git master. Probably about the same as the one you 
already described, but please test and feedback.
> I would then assume the op is freed, but the syncop remains in the
> list to be processed. Once reallocated and the o_abandon field is no
> longer set syncprov_matchops would start to include the syncop in its
> processing hitting potential issues such as this segv.
> Let me know if this ties up with how things really work or if i have
> misunderstood something along the way.
> Thanks
> Tom

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