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RE: (ITS#6985) sssvlv / greaterThanOrEqual problem

> >
> > I am running slapd built from HEAD on June 30th 2011, with back-sql
> Can you confirm this issue with another backend, e.g. back-bdb? Bugs
> specific to back-sql or to interaction with it could receive only marginal
> attention.
> p.

I've imported my data into a server with a bdb backend, and I see the same problem.

Looking at the code in sssvlv.c, it uses tavl_find3() to search the values, but the
code in tavl_find3() looks to me that it only works properly with an exact match
type of matching rule:

Avlnode *
tavl_find3( Avlnode *root, const void *data, AVL_CMP fcmp, int *ret )
    int    cmp = -1, dir;
    Avlnode *prev = root;

    while ( root != 0 && (cmp = (*fcmp)( data, root->avl_data )) != 0 ) {
        prev = root;
        dir = cmp > 0;
        root = avl_child( root, dir );
    *ret = cmp;
    return root ? root : prev;

since the while loop terminates when the fcmp function returns 0 (i.e. exact match).
