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Re: (ITS#6043) slapd segfaults in bdb_rdn_cmp

luca.scamoni@sys-net.it ha scritto:
> Howard Chu ha scritto:
>> This trace is bogus, there's no call from slapd_daemon_destroy() to
>> epoll_wait() in the code. And you wouldn't have gotten to
>> slapd_daemon_destroy() unless you were shutting down.
>> This is also bogus; is this an optimized compile? It's always hard to
>> tell how much to trust the debugger here; if there are no further stack
>> frames then possibly the stack was overwritten. But if you compiled with
>> any type of optimization, and didn't use -fno-omit-frame-pointer, then
>> that may be all that's happening here.
> I managed to find out how to reproduce the issue. Now it's deterministic
> and happens with openldap-2.4.16.
> The segfault can be caused by performing an ldapmodify on a specific
> entry replacing a binary attribute certificateRevocationList.
> I'm sending privately the backtrace analized with gdb and the slapd.conf
> file
Another update
The issue seems to be in the order in which rwm and syncprov are invoked.
If the slapd.conf file contains:

database hdb

overlay rwm

overlay syncprov

the modification causes slapd to segfault
if the two overlays are swapped

database hdb

overlay syncprov

overlay rwm

it doesn't.
So there is something wrong in the interaction between these two

Ing. Luca Scamoni
Responsabile Ricerca e Sviluppo

SysNet s.r.l.
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Email:   luca.scamoni@sys-net.it