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Re: (ITS#5757) back-null returns an error when any critical extension is specified

Kurt@OpenLDAP.org wrote:
> On Oct 20, 2008, at 7:55 AM, jclarke@linagora.com wrote:
>> In case they don't support the control, success is
>> returned anyway, as the man page specifies.
> That may very well violate the control's specification.
>> In case they don't support the control, success is
>> returned anyway, as the man page specifies.

Probably, a reasonable approach would be to actually implement support 
for well known controls.  In most cases, its implementation would be 
trivial (i.e. ignore them), but it would be done in a consistent manner. 
  For example: support for manageDSAit, pr, vlv consists in ignoring 
them.  Support for proxied authorization is dealt with by the frontend. 
  And so on...


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

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