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(ITS#5613) slapd determines hostname by PTR even if host url defined, breaking ServerID

Full_Name: Joe Julian
Version: 2.4.10
OS: Linux (Fedora 7 distribution)
Submission from: (NULL) (

Description of problem:
slapd is called with "-h ldap://ldap1.domain.dom"; where ldap1 is a CNAME for
actual server name "moe.domain.dom" and "-h ldap://ldap2.domain.dom"; for

The cn=config entries for olcServerID are "1 ldap://ldap1.domain.dom"; and "2

In config_generic (bconfig.c) case CFG_SERVERID lud->lud_host is compared with
global_host. As the PTR record for moe is moe.domain.dom and not
ldap1.domain.dom, moe does not get assigned a serverID. The same is true for

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

Steps to Reproduce:
1. configure a server's dns entries for the actual name of the server
2. configure a cname that's different
3. call slapd with "-h": the url referring to the cname of the server
Actual results:
no serverID defined

Expected results:
the serverID should be selected (in part) based on the "-h" url configuration
matching an olcServerID entry