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(ITS#5305) Contribware: Two overlays for implementing NESTED dynamic groups

Full_Name: Jose Marco de la Rosa
Version: 2.3.39
OS: Kubuntu 7.10
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/Jose-Marco-de-la-Rosa-nestedAggregateAttr-080103.tgz
Submission from: (NULL) (

Two overlays that implement dynamic group classes defined with URL attributes
and allowing nesting.

- The first one is an extension of th overlay expandURL but allowing nesting

- The second one changes the way groups are constructed in a more powerful way

Examples of functioning follow for each version and are included in the
code archives (.c)

The tarball Jose-Marco-de-la-Rosa-nestedAggregateAttr-080103.tgz was uploaded
to openldap's server and it includes a webpage with further detail in the
implementation and configuration of the overlay.

Code files are appropriately linked in the web page mentioned (all is included
in the tarball: there are no external references in the webpage).

Both search and compare operations were implemented

I hope you like it...

First overlay: nestedAggregateAttrDN:

 * In slapd.conf :
 *   overlay nestedAggregateAttrDN
 *   nestedAggregateAttrDN  <objectClass> <source-attribute>
<destination-attribute> [[<maximum-depth>] <TTL>]
 * Where:
 *      <objectClass> specifies the class that should expand.
 *      <source-attribute> establishes the attribute that contains information 
 *              about other entries where to gather destination attribute values
 *      <destination-attribute> establishes the attribute that should present
all the gathered values.
 *      <maximum-depth> establishes the maximum nesting depth level. If not
specified, it defaults 
 *              to 0 which means no nesting is allowed (not even one level).
 *      <TTL> establishes the maximum time allowed to serve the query. You
should take into account that:
 *            If different TTLs are set for the different configurations the
 *            will be used for all configurations.
 *            The TTL affects ALL searches done when the overlay is active and
not only 
 *            those related to the configured clases.
 * NOTE: you will probably need/want to define some attributes and classes in
your schema
 * example.schema:
 * -------------------
 * objectIdentifier YOUR_ENTERPRISE_Root<somenumber>
 * objectIdentifier YOUR_ENTERPRISE_LDAPattributeType YOUR_ENTERPRISE_LDAP:1
 * # Attribute type for new classes
 * attributetype ( YOUR_ENTERPRISE_LDAPattributeType:1
 *  NAME 'subgroupDN'
 *  DESC 'DN of a aggregable entry'
 *  SUP distinguishedName )
 * # Classes for using overlay nestedAggregateAttrDN
 * objectclass ( YOUR_ENTERPRISE_LDAPobjectClass:1
 * 	NAME 'subgroupedDNGroup'
 * 	DESC 'Sample class for nestedAggregateAttrDN (experimental purpose)'
 * 	MUST cn
 * 	MAY ( member $ subgroupDN $ cn $ ou $ o $ description ) ) 
 * slapd.conf:
 * -------------------
 * overlay nestedAggregateAttrDN
 * # Configure class: subgroupedDNGroup
 * # Source attribute: subgroupDN
 * # Aggregated attribute: member
 * # Max depth in nesting: 4
 * # TTL: 5 sec
 * nestedAggregateAttrDN  subgroupedDNGroup subgroupDN member 4 5
 * ldif:
 * -------------------
 * # Static1
 * dn: cn=Static1,dc=test
 * cn: Static1
 * objectClass: groupOfNames
 * member: cn=person1,dc=test
 * member: cn=person2,dc=test
 * # Static2
 * dn: cn=Static2,dc=test
 * cn: Static2
 * objectClass: groupOfNames
 * member: cn=person3,dc=test
 * member: cn=person4,dc=test
 * # SubgroupedLevel1
 * dn: cn=SubgroupedLevel1,dc=test
 * cn: SubgroupedLevel1
 * objectClass: subgroupedDNGroup
 * subgroupDN: cn=Static1,dc=test
 * # SubgroupedLevel2
 * dn: cn=SubgroupedLevel2,dc=test
 * cn: SubgroupedLevel2
 * objectClass: subgroupedDNGroup
 * subgroupDN: cn=SubgroupedLevel1,dc=test
 * subgroupDN: cn=Static2,dc=test
 * -------------------
 * ldapsearch -x -b "SubgroupedLevel2,dc=test" will return
 * # SubgroupedLevel2
 * dn: cn=SubgroupedLevel2,dc=test
 * cn: SubgroupedLevel2
 * objectClass: subgroupedDNGroup
 * subgroupDN: cn=SubgroupedLevel1,dc=test
 * subgroupDN: cn=Static2,dc=test
 * member: cn=person1,dc=test
 * member: cn=person2,dc=test
 * member: cn=person3,dc=test
 * member: cn=person4,dc=test
 * IMPORTANT: this overlay conflicts with nestedAggregateAttrURL.
 * 		if both are active, some searches don't behave as expacted!
 * 		Specifically, if you turn both overlays on and search for
 * 		'entries with member=<some member value>' won't work properly
 * 		for one of the overlays (the firstly activated one)

Second overlay: nestedAggregateAttrURL:

 * In slapd.conf :
 *   overlay nestedAggregateAttrURL
 *   nestedAggregateAttrURL  <objectClass> <source-attribute>
<destination-attribute> [[<maximum-depth>] <TTL>]
 * Where:
 *      <objectClass> specifies the class that should expand.
 *      <source-attribute> establishes the attribute that contains information 
 *              about other entries where to gather destination attribute values
 *      <destination-attribute> establishes the attribute that should present
all the gathered values.
 *      <maximum-depth> establishes the maximum nesting depth level. If not
specified, it defaults 
 *              to 0 which means no nesting is allowed (not even one level).
 *      <TTL> establishes the maximum time allowed to serve the query. You
should take into account that:
 *            If different TTLs are set for the different configurations the
 *            will be used for all configurations.
 *            The TTL affects ALL searches done when the overlay is active and
not only 
 *            those related to the configured clases.
 * NOTE: you will probably need/want to define some attributes and classes in
your schema. You can use
 * 		netscape's groupOfURLs, anyway...
 * example.schema:
 * -------------------
 * objectIdentifier YOUR_ENTERPRISE_Root<somenumber>
 * objectIdentifier YOUR_ENTERPRISE_LDAPattributeType YOUR_ENTERPRISE_LDAP:1
 * # Attribute type for new classes
 * attributetype ( YOUR_ENTERPRISE_LDAPattributeType:1
 *  NAME 'subgroupURL'
 *  DESC 'URL to search for aggregable entries'
 *  SUP labeledURI )
 * # Classes for using overlay nestedAggregateAttrURL
 * objectclass ( YOUR_ENTERPRISE_LDAPobjectClass:1
 * 	NAME 'subgroupedURLGroup'
 * 	DESC 'Sample class for nestedAggregateAttrURL (experimental purpose)'
 * 	MUST cn
 * 	MAY ( member $ subgroupURL $ cn $ ou $ o $ description ) ) 
 * attributetype ( IAVANTE_LDAPattributeType:2
 * 	NAME 'subgroupURL'
 * 	DESC 'Identifies an URL containing a search for names of subgroups.'
 * 	SUP labeledURI )
 * slapd.conf:
 * -------------------
 * overlay nestedAggregateAttrURL
 * # Configure class: subgroupedURLGroup
 * # Source attribute: memberURL
 * # Aggregated attribute: member
 * # Max depth in nesting: 4
 * # TTL: 5 sec
 * nestedAggregateAttrURL  subgroupedURLGroup subgroupURL member 4 5
 * ldif:
 * -------------------
 * # Static1
 * dn: cn=Static1,dc=test
 * cn: Static1
 * objectClass: groupOfNames
 * member: cn=person1,dc=test
 * member: cn=person2,dc=test
 * # Static2
 * dn: cn=Static2,dc=test
 * cn: Static2
 * objectClass: groupOfNames
 * member: cn=person3,dc=test
 * member: cn=person4,dc=test
 * # SubgroupedLevel1
 * dn: cn=SubgroupedLevel1,dc=test
 * cn: SubgroupedLevel1
 * objectClass: subgroupedURLGroup
 * subgroupURL: ldap:///dc=test??one?(cn=Static*)
 * # SubgroupedLevel2
 * dn: cn=SubgroupedLevel2,dc=test
 * cn: SubgroupedLevel2
 * objectClass: subgroupedURLGroup
 * subgroupURL: ldap:///cn=SubgroupedLevel1,dc=test
 * -------------------
 * ldapsearch -x -b "SubgroupedLevel2,dc=test" will return
 * # SubgroupedLevel2
 * dn: cn=SubgroupedLevel2,dc=test
 * cn: SubgroupedLevel2
 * objectClass: subgroupedURLGroup
 * subgroupURL: ldap:///cn=SubgroupedLevel1,dc=test
 * member: cn=person1,dc=test
 * member: cn=person2,dc=test
 * member: cn=person3,dc=test
 * member: cn=person4,dc=test
 * IMPORTANT: this overlay conflicts with nestedAggregateAttrDN.
 * 		if both are active, some searches don't behave as expacted!
 * 		Specifically, if you turn both overlays on and search for
 * 		'entries with member=<some member value>' won't work properly
 * 		for one of the overlays (the firstly activated one)