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Re: (ITS#4989) Quirk in Dynlist overlay configuration


ando@sys-net.it wrote:
> marg@rz.tu-clausthal.de wrote:
>> I found a behaviour issue with the dynlist overlay configuration:
>> I tried the following configuration:
>> overlay dynlist
>> dynlist-attrset posixGroup memberURL
>> dynlist-attrset groupOfURLs memberURL owner
> The reason of that check is that the same attribute "memberURL" could
> otherwise be used by both group classes to expand.


> However, I believe something like
> dynlist-attrset posixGroup memberURL
> dynlist-attrset groupOfURLs memberURL
> should still be forbiden, otherwise the same "memberURL" would expand
> twice.  This, strictly speaking, is not an issue, as duplicates would
> simply be discarded, but it would cause unnecessary overhead.  Right
> now, I have decided to turn this check into a config-time warning.

Hmm - I object.

posixGroup and groupOfURLs are both "structural" objectclasses so an
entry is either a "groupofURL" or a "posixGroup", never both. And in
this case the memberURL can have different meanings according to the
Objectclass it is used in.

Otherwise I'd have to create an Attribute for every expansion I want to
use - that can't be right!

You are right for expansions in auxillary OCs, of course! They shouldn't
be using the same attribute...

> Please test and report.

Will do, sometime soon.

Christian Marg                    mail: mailto:marg@rz.tu-clausthal.de
Rechenzentrum TU Clausthal        web : http://www.rz.tu-clausthal.de
D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld      fon : 05323/72-2043
Germany                           ICQ : <on request>