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(ITS#4366) userPassword compare fix

Full_Name: Paolo Meschi
Version: 2.X HEAD
OS: Linux
URL: http://www.paolomeschi.com/patches/openldap/openldap-userpassword-compare.patch
Submission from: (NULL) (

Trying to compare the userPassword attribute, that contains a crypted password
(like this: {crypt}qWe2pXud183), with the cleartext password, OpenLDAP returned
me LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE. However, if I put a cleartext password in userPassword,
So, as I can see OpenLDAP doesn't crypt (with the proper function) the password
passed by the client before compare it, as many other LDAP servers (like Sun
Directory Services) do.

This patch should fix this behaviour: 

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