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Re: (ITS#3757) Schema download for 2nd db not possible

At 02:13 AM 6/6/2005, goldt@solidmedia.de wrote:
>Hello Kurt,
>this is the result:
># extended LDIF
># LDAPv3
># base <dc=goldt,dc=org> with scope sub
># filter: (objectclass=*)
># requesting:  subschemaSubentry -
># goldt.org
>dn: dc=goldt,dc=org
>subschemaSubentry: cn=Subschema
># People, goldt.org
>dn: ou=People,dc=goldt,dc=org
>subschemaSubentry: cn=Subschema
># goldt, People, goldt.org
>dn: uid=goldt,ou=People,dc=goldt,dc=org
>subschemaSubentry: cn=Subschema
># Admins, goldt.org
>dn: cn=Admins,dc=goldt,dc=org
>subschemaSubentry: cn=Subschema
># Aliases, goldt.org
>dn: ou=Aliases,dc=goldt,dc=org
>subschemaSubentry: cn=Subschema
># postmaster, Aliases, goldt.org
>dn: cn=postmaster,ou=Aliases,dc=goldt,dc=org
>subschemaSubentry: cn=Subschema
># info, Aliases, goldt.org
>dn: cn=info,ou=Aliases,dc=goldt,dc=org
>subschemaSubentry: cn=Subschema
># search result
>search: 2
>result: 0 Success
># numResponses: 8
># numEntries: 7
>How do you interpret the result ?

I interpret the result as indicative that there is no bug
in OpenLDAP Software here.  That is, the problem you have with
schema discovery is likely either due to a bug in the client
software you are using or due to a configuration error.
Hence, unless you have additional information that demonstrates
that OpenLDAP Software is not behaving as designed, I will
close this report.


>Greets, Sven
>> Please use ldapsearch(1) to see if entries of both databases
>> contain the same 'subschemaSubentry' value.  The test should
>> be done as rootdn (which may be different for different databases)
>> to bypass any access controls, and should explicitly request the
>> return of the 'subschemaSubentry' attribute (it's operational).
>> Kurt
>> At 01:47 AM 6/3/2005, goldt@goldt.org wrote:
>>>Full_Name: Sven Goldt
>>>Version: 2.2.23
>>>OS: Linux Debian
>>>URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
>>>Submission from: (NULL) (
>>>If you add a second database with a different suffix (base DN) then slapd
>>> will
>>>not reveal the schema for the second database (which is of course the
>>> same as
>>>the first database).
>>>Any ldap editor can't retrieve the necessary informations to create new
>>> entries
>>>if it relies on the schema from the ldap server.
>>>If you only activate one DB (no matter which of the two DBs) then the
>>> schema
>>>download works.