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Re: (ITS#3470) multiple ADDs with syncrepl overlay failing

--On Friday, January 07, 2005 12:12 PM -0800 Quanah Gibson-Mount 
<quanah@stanford.edu> wrote:

> --On Friday, January 07, 2005 7:50 PM +0000 openldap-its@OpenLDAP.org
> wrote:
> Two notes:
> 1) MOD's fail to propagate.
> 2) Stopping all servers and then restarting them causes the changes to be
> replicated.

Actually, only the ADD's replicate, the MOD's do not:

tribes:~> ldapsearch -LLL -Q -h ldap-dev0 cn=ldapadmin
dn: cn=ldapAdmin,cn=Applications,dc=stanford,dc=edu
objectClass: groupOfNames
cn: ldapAdmin
member: uid=XXXXX,cn=Accounts,dc=Stanford,dc=edu

tribes:~> ldapsearch -LLL -Q -h ldap-dev1 cn=ldapadmin
dn: cn=ldapAdmin,cn=Applications,dc=stanford,dc=edu
objectClass: groupOfNames
cn: ldapAdmin

The member of ldapAdmin on the provider is missing from the replica.


Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Developer
ITSS/Shared Services
Stanford University
GnuPG Public Key: http://www.stanford.edu/~quanah/pgp.html

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